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Sunday, June 12, 2016

DIY Aveda Rainforest Essential Oil Diffuser Blend

A few years ago we stayed at a hotel in Denver Colorado that had an Aveda Spa next door.  I have always loved Aveda hair products, so I stopped in to see if I might treat myself to some shampoo. Along with the shampoo, I found this essential oil diffuser blend that I fell in love with.  Frankly, I had forgotten about it until I was searching through my old stash of essential oils for a henna care oil I once purchased.  The henna oil was gone.  I suspect I threw it away at some point, but I pulled the Aveda oil out thinking it would be a nice scent in the diffuser this afternoon.

When I purchased the Aveda oil, I was only using essential oils (EOs) on a candle burner thing to make the house smell good.  (I thought of essential oils as my cleaning motivation oil.)  Since then, I have become a bit more educated on essential oil use and have a pretty big stash EOs. Curious as to what oils were in the Aveda blend, I searched the internet for some information, as the ingredients were not listed on the bottle.  (The blend is discontinued, so it is not listed on the Aveda website.)  Some websites said it was peppermint and coriander.  I did not have any coriander, so I used cilantro.  But, there was something missing.  The Aveda oil had something else in it with a deeper, sweeter smell.  I tried adding lavender and ylang ylang, but that was not it.

With a little more internet searching, one site said clover.  Well, there is no such thing as clover essential oil that I know of.  A little more searching and I found a thread where someone said it was actually clove EO.  Aha!  The missing ingredient was found!

I know most diffuser recipes include the amount of drops, but I tend to just sprinkle stuff in until I like the smell (unless I have an actual recipe I am following.)  For those of you who want a recipe to follow, I will give you the following estimations:

5 drops Clove Essential Oil
5 drops Peppermint Essential Oil
3 drops Cilantro Essential Oil (or Coriander Essential Oil)

It really does smell just like the Aveda blend.  =)


  1. I'm so grateful to you for posting this -- the Rainforest blend was my absolute favorite for years, and I've been trying to find or replicate it for a long time now. I never would've guessed peppermint and clove. I made some recently, but without coriander because I couldn't find any, and was happy to find that even without coriander it was very close. I ordered coriander, which should arrive today, and look forward to enjoying the fragrance again. Thank you!!

  2. Oh yay and thank you for the research and experimentation! I have so missed this fragrance :)

  3. You are welcome! This is one of my favorite diffuser blends. :)

  4. Wowww will def try to make it!!
    That's my all times favorite and I was so disappointed finding out they have discontinued it. Many thanks for researching n sharing!!!

  5. Would you recommend a place to shop for those oils?
    Super thank you!!

  6. Oh, I cannot wait to try this - I have some clove essential oil but not peppermint or coriander. Shopping tomorrow! I have been searching forever for this, thankyou!!

  7. Thank you,thank you,thank you🤩
